
Here’s what ABDC students and parents have to say about our program!

“Annabelle started off not wanting to take dance classes because she was afraid it would mean needing to be in a recital (even the idea of being on stage was too overwhelming for her).  We eventually negotiated taking classes with the option of deciding later if she would want to perform.  I woke up Saturday morning worried that she might even try to bail after she saw the stage.  She woke up in tears this morning because she doesn’t want to wait a whole year before she can have another recital, she loved the experience so much.  That is definitely a reflection of how safe she has felt at the ABDC building up to yesterday.  It has been incredible to witness :)”-2024 ABDC Parent

“I wanted to take a moment and recognize you and your incredible, talented, and very gifted staff for pulling of a great recital over the weekend….Your program clearly fosters positivity, hard work and teaches great life lessons in addition to great dance skills. I was once a dancer for 15 years and I enjoyed every performance over the weekend. So much that we came back for the 6pm show.  The variety, level of talent, and commitment your program was evident and you should be proud of this years performance.”-Kelly S., parent

“Everyone on the dance team is so nice and so supportive of each other.   Brittany and Eden make sure it is always positive but do stress that they need to work hard and that they made a commitment to the team (all good life skills to have). Caitlyn’s best friends are on her dance team-they weren’t her best friends before but the friendship developed over years of dancing and working together on the team.  We do not live in Acton so I was always unsure how she would fit in since she could not be with them during the school day but this has never been a problem.  She has enjoyed being on the team because it is filled with friends who are as passionate about ABDC and dance as she is!  We are really going to miss everyone at ABDC next year.”-Karen C., competition team and company member parent.

“I love competition team because it’s like a mini family. Being a part of the select team has helped me cultivate so many relationships with both students and staff, and I don’t know where I would be (or who I would be for that matter) without all of my comp team sisters!! Not to mention, I believe competition team is also great for building technique and performance skills and also helps with one’s ability to learn choreography quicker and in more depth.”-Emily S., competition team and company dancer.

“I love comp team because it has helped me grow as a dancer and given me the opportunity to become friends with people I would have never met otherwise. The feeling of working so hard as a team and having all that work pay off together is the best in the world!”-Jessica B., competition team and company dancer

“ABDC competition team not only made me grow as a dancer, but also as a person. I have made lifelong friends and connections and learned important values of teamwork, dedication and resilience. when I first started in 7th grade, the older girls were so nice, welcoming and helpful that now as a junior in high school, they have inspired me to be the same to our current younger dancers. competition team is a close knit group of dediated girls and I love it so much!!”-Grace L., competition and company dancer

“Caitlyn has danced at ABDC for ten years. When she started she was a quiet six year old and because of the supportive and caring teachers at ABDC, she has grown into a confident sixteen year old who has a passion for dance. The studio is her home away from home.”-ABDC parent