Eden's Favorite Dance Movies

Hi Dancers! When the weather gets snowy and cold, it’s time to snuggle inside and watch dance movies!  Anyone else with me?  A cup of cocoa, a big blanket,
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You Know You're a Dancer When…

Being a dancer is unique, fun, and crazy!  Here’s how you know you’re one of the bunch!  You know you have a million bobby pins, but you can’t find
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Ways to Make Your Dance Teacher Smile!

Hi Everyone! At ABDC, we have a fantastic team of teachers who love and support you, and are jazzed (see what I did there??) about seeing you in class
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What does a career in dance look like?

This time of year sees a lot of high school juniors beginning their college search!  February and April vacations are often spent touring schools (often with disgruntled younger siblings
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Tunnel Vision

Hi Everyone! Recently Miss Mariah and I took an aerial silks class, and it was SO fun!  It reminded me that sometimes dancers get tunnel vision and focus 100%
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Being Brave

When I first set up this blog, I couldn’t resist selecting this template.  Does the cover photo look familiar to you?  It’s a picture of Trolltunga, in Norway, where
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The role of games in dance class

Sometimes I hear parents mention how many games the students are playing when they are watching their young child’s dance class.  We do play games in dance class, so
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Fixed vs Growth Mindset

This week, I’d like to share a bit I’ve learned about fixed vs. growth mindsets.  Here’s an image that summarizes the two: A growth mindset is important for dancers,
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What does working hard look like?

Hi dancers! Today I wanted to write about hard work!  Working hard is important in all aspects of our life, from school to jobs to relationships.  In dance class
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Ways to Beat Summer Dance Withdrawal!

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from dancing!  It can be good for our bodies and our minds to take a break.  But eventually the dance withdrawal sets
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